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solar solutions in usa

Myths You Should Never Believe Regarding Solar Solutions In USA?

The solar energy industry is dynamic and rapidly advancing. It makes our air easier to breathe, and helps home owners enhance the value of their homes as well. Despite the widespread environmental and economic benefits of solar energy, there are myths circulating that can cause confusion and misperceptions among consumers. Here are a few myths associated with solar solutions in USA, read on as we debunk them one by one.

Be Aware Of These Misconceptions Regarding Solar Solutions In USA!

It is important for us to be informed regarding these misconceptions. If we keep believing these myths, they may even prevent us from availing the vital whole home energy audit in Las Vegas

1) Solar Is A Luxury Only The Very Few Can Afford:

Solar brings great potential to save money on your monthly utility bill. The monthly amount owed on a solar loan is typically less than that of your average monthly bill. It is like making a great investment that breaks even in a few years and keeps on minting money for years to come. Also, you are being environment friendly! It is, however, essential to invest in quality top solar panels in Nevada and trusted solar service providers. 

2) Solar Panels Don’t Produce Much Power In Cold Climates:

There’s a seasonality to solar energy production in the United States because it’s in a middle latitude and not right on the equator. Winter days are shorter than summer days, due to the tilt of the Earth. And the exact difference varies by latitude. Usually, solar energy production is higher in July and August. But it is low in December and January. However, unless a home is in the North or South Pole or somewhere relatively close, solar energy systems can really crank out a lot of clean energy in the winter months. Although output is somewhat lower in the winter, solar energy systems still produce significant power. 

3) Solar Batteries Does Not Work In Power Outages Areas Or Blackout:

Solar batteries work in a blackout or power outage if they have blackout protection. Blackout protection is a feature that permits batteries to feed power into your house without a grid connection. During a blackout, your inverter disconnects from the grid and operates independently. Your system can still generate, store, and utilize power during an outage. This power will be sent to a dedicated backup circuit in your home.

4) Solar Energy Makes Electricity Bills A Thing Of The Past:

Does a solar power system in your home make your electricity bills vanish? Not usually, but they can significantly reduce your monthly spending. Factors like electricity rates in your state, average sun hours, and more will impact how much savings you’ll see. If your home is connected to the grid, you probably won’t see your electricity bills go away completely, even if you’re producing as much power as you consume. This is because your utility company typically charges you for transmission and distribution.

Looking For A Solar Solution In The USA? We Got You!

When the sun is bright, say no to the tubelight. It’s time to do something good for your wallet and the Earth by adding solar solutions. We at Green Serenity are well-known for providing solar solutions in USA. We offer many services from solar energy to consulting for home energy audits. We have taken oath to make you energy independent. If you are looking for the best solar solution, give us a chance. Visit our website to know more!

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